Diet And Your Thyroid

Diet And Your Thyroid

Thousands of people are diagnosed with thyroid disease every year, the majority being women. The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland that sits in your throat area. Its role is to control your metabolism. There are two types of thyroid disease. Hypothyroidism...
Head Posture

Head Posture

Forward head posture can be a real pain in the neck… Terrible jokes aside, Forward head posture is the leading cause for chronic neck pain. The more your head falls forward the more pressure you place on your spine. This increases inflammation and accelerates...
Perfect Posture

Perfect Posture

Perfect posture and Healthy posture are not necessarily the same thing. With perfect posture your ear, shoulder hip and ankle should all line up from the side. This sounds great, however, some people have perfect posture in the way that they stand but, when they move...


Looking after your Spine There are three important concepts you need to know about looking after your spine. There is no such thing as a spine transplant, look after the one you have. If you service your car regularly, you should do the same for your spine. It’s all...


Disc Bulge or Slipped Disc Slipped disc’s, disc bulge or a herniated disc are all terms for one of the most painful conditions effecting the low back. Fortunately, Chiropractic can have great results in aiding your recovery. If you (or someone you know) have ever...
What is Pain

What is Pain

Understanding what is pain can be a daunting task because of the many factors involved, but in essence pain is a defense mechanism to prevent further injury. If your body can heal an injury on its own most of the time you wont be aware that you had an injury in the...